Jolai : “Eh, you? Want to go ? absolutely not !! look at the mirror, poor you ! The King : “ofcourse honey, you must come to that party!”

Jolai : “ohhh daddy…., i must go to that party.” With pleasure, we invite you all beautifull pricess.” Soleh : “invitation for beautifull princess. Ratu di galau : “ What kind of invitation ?” Soleh : “o… majesty ! i come here to sent and invitation from the King of Punduh

The King : “Welcome in Sukadano! what can i do for you ?” Not long after that, a person from Punduh Pidada Kingdom sents an invitation to the Sukadano Kingdom. Jolai : “O my God ! How beautifull is it ! Thank you daddy…. I promise, when you wear it, you will be more beautifull ! The King : “Hei, Jolai…! i have a surprise for you ! a beautifull gold siger from Palas Oneday, The King gives a present to Princess Jolai Sai Wawai in front of Princess Ratu Di Galau. That’s why Jolai Sai Golai is more important than Ratu Di Galau in Rajo Tihang’s life). Becasuse his wife dies after Ratu Di Galau born. Rajo Tihang also love Jolai Sai Golai more than Ratu Di Galau. Jolai Sai Golai want to be the best, love to ask her sister doing many things. (Long time ago, in east Lampung there is a kingdom, Sukadano Kingdom.

Gani as Jolai sai Golai Princessįajar Prayoga as Mr. Įlsye Yetti Frida as Ratu di Galau PrincessĬandra C. Drama yang berjudul “Ratu Siger” ini mengangkat dari cerita rakyat Lampung. Kumpulan Contoh Naskah Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris 6 Orang Terlengkap –Sahabat SBI sebelumnya saya telah memberikan contoh naskah drama dalam Bahasa inggris untuk 8 orang, nah pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan memberikan contoh naskah ada sebuah drama untuk 6 orang yang juga dibuat oleh sebuah kelompok maahasiswa dari Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris di Universitas Lampung.